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There is something familiar about this lady...I may have met her sometime!
She is delightful. Sculpture does not always have to be "serious".

Hej Trønder
Den statue du har i din blogg, har min mormors søster været inspiration til. Hun var lidt af en særling, og min mor har fortalt at familien ikke brød sig om at få besøg af hende. Hun gik rundt i gaden og solgte varer, æg eks. og sad ofte på en bænk i Trondheim og sagde "godagen" til alle der kom forbi. Deraf navnet på statuen.

Min mormor og Gjertrud kom fra Mo i Rana

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Trondheim Through al Seasons

  • I love to travel, and often you find me somewhere around the world, taking photos, writing, exploring. Through a this I aways have Trondheim on my mind. The city where I live and work, and after being a blogger, bogging daily in The House in the Woods, for almost 5 years, it was high time to start a Trondheom blog. Several people have been and are my inspiration. I want to mention especialy Merisis in the Merisi - Vienna for Begiiners blog and also Ivar Mølksnes and his "Byglimt" in the main paper in Trondheim and Midt Norge.

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  • About me
    I am living in a red house surrounded by a blue garden near Trondheim, Norway. I love everydays and post about my steps through life. Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods is open to everybody. Welcome over!