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This blog is so good. I am slowly building up a picture of Trondheim as it is now.(I think before I had just a confused idea from Kristin Lavransdatter and Edward Grieg!) A place of color and style, of new and old.A lively place. Thank you!

Some people might think a heavy dark sky is dreary or depressing but not for me - it energizes me even more.

The roses are just beautiful against the backdrop of a lazy river~

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Trondheim Through al Seasons

  • I love to travel, and often you find me somewhere around the world, taking photos, writing, exploring. Through a this I aways have Trondheim on my mind. The city where I live and work, and after being a blogger, bogging daily in The House in the Woods, for almost 5 years, it was high time to start a Trondheom blog. Several people have been and are my inspiration. I want to mention especialy Merisis in the Merisi - Vienna for Begiiners blog and also Ivar Mølksnes and his "Byglimt" in the main paper in Trondheim and Midt Norge.

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Member since 04/2005

About me

  • About me
    I am living in a red house surrounded by a blue garden near Trondheim, Norway. I love everydays and post about my steps through life. Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods is open to everybody. Welcome over!