Lucky me, this year I am going to spend April in Italy, leaving on Wednesday next week, not back home until May 1st. I know my knitting time will be limited, of course it will, but I still hope to update maskerade from time to time. I will also, probably daily, blog in my main blog, Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods, so if you are interested, you can follow me there.
I am going to meet a lot of friends during my Italian weeks, and now I am busy knitting Easter egg bags to bring as gifts. I might fill them with tiny little chocolate eggs, and when the chocolate has gone, the bags can always be used on the breakfast table to keep your morning egg warm.
Georgeanne, one of maskerade´s readers, has tried the pattern I posted, and here is her result.
Cute, isn´t it :-)
Thank you Georgeanna for sending me a photo.
..............a month in Italy. A long time dream coming true, but what shall I pack!!!!!!!
The two photos from Italy are from Santa Maria, where I will celebrate Easter.
Some links if you are interested.
Santa Maria a Ferrano´s info page
A blog, in Norwegian, where I will post about a project I am doing during the month of April
The Norwegian facebook page
Santa Maria´s facebook page
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