We have just watched the afternoon news, and had our afternoon coffee. A precious time of our daily routines. My knitting is always on the small table between our two armchairs, so I am able to fit in some knitting time between sipping coffee, watching the news and chatting with Terje. It is still cold winter here. The garden is covered in snow, and will probably still be for months. Which is good for my knitting time. I know that when spring come I will be spending hours and hours out in the garden, and my time for knitting will be limited.
I am looking forward to the garden season. Very much forward. And today I gave it a little false start. I made a video and started a YouTube channel. Today gardening, but there will probably be some knitting as well, so if you are interested, why not visit YouTube, watch the video and make sure to subscribe. That way you will be told when I post new videos.
Love your video, felt as if I was walking with you through the garden!
I am still finding it painful to knit :-( In my bag is an almost finished pair of mittens for my sister...I try to do a couple of rounds a day so maybe by spring they will be finished!
Posted by: Fran | 01/30/2018 at 08:31 AM