The Christmas ball shown in yesterday´s post is one I made many years ago, the year I bought Arne&Carlos´book. Since then I have done none, but watching A&C´s video on youtube the other day made me want to try another one. In the video Arne is knitting a pattern he calls "dovre". Dovre is a famous mountain area south of Trondheim. Actually, Edward Grieg´s music In The Hall of the Mountain King, is called I Dovregubben´s hall, in the hall of the Dovre guy, in Norwegian. This is an old traditional knitting pattern, but a pattern I have never used during my 55 years of knitting. Now I have kind of fallen in love with it, and while knitting the ball after dinner today, I got plenty of ideas on how to use it.
By the way, the ball Arne knits in the video is smaller than the one I knitted today and show in the picture. Now I am soon on the knit the smal ball.......I just have a few other things to finish first.
In Norway we don´t put up our Christmas trees until the 23rd of December, on lillejulaften, little Christmas Eve. For the moment the dovre ball is hanging in some branches I have on top of our old piano.
Here is a link to the Christmas ball podcast
Oh, your mention of the Dovre brings back memories of our trip to the coast and our stop at the restaurant in the Mountain King area. The taste of rommegrot - my first - will stay in my memory forever as will visiting with you and Terje. The dovre ball is beautiful. Will check our A & C's podcast. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Ardi | 12/15/2017 at 03:35 PM
Yes Ardi, we visited Dovre, and The Hall of the Mountain King :-) Have you ever knitted any of the Christmas balls?
Posted by: BrittArnhild | 12/15/2017 at 03:49 PM