Hi dear knitting kompanions, okay, I know that companion starts with a c, not a k, but kk look better than kc, and I thought we could call our selves the KK, the Knitting Kompanions. What do you think about that? :-) :-) :-)
So, dear Knitting Kompanions, dear KKs.
It is Friday night and my husband and I are at our cabin (you find my special cabin blog here). Three quiet days far from the city, right in the middle of the most amazing nature of fjords and mountains. The days are cold and short now, the nights long and warm (indoors). A perfect time for knitting, for reading, for writing, for music, for silence, for talking, for eating, for sharing a bottle of wine. The perfect life.
I have finished three pairs of colourful socks for grandson Leander, will show them in another post as they are left back in town, and am now working on a pair of wool trousers for him. Thin, soft wool yarn, perfect to wear under.......well, I have no idea what you call these outdoor suits used by kids in all kinds of weather :-)
All-in- ones? Snow suits? I love the colour, and it will certainly keep Leander snug in the coming winter months.
Posted by: Fran | 11/07/2017 at 08:42 AM