We had guests at the cabin the other night, Jorunn and her husband Ingvald. Jorunn is a long time reader of my main blog (I don´t know if she reads maskerade yet). Jorunn and Ingvald live on a farm on the way between our house and our cabin, so we often stop there - for a meal, for coffee, for a walk in Jorunn´s amazing garden, for chatting.
Jorunn is an avid knitter.
Here she is working on a pair of thick socks which she will give away to a niece who is moving far up north, to Svalbard.......almost up to the North Pole, haha.
She knits the socks bigger than they are supposed to be, and then she will felt them to make them thick and warm.
As I had finished my socks and my wrist warmers, I started another wash cloth.
More about that later.
Like making music with others knitting together weaves freindships which are so strong.
Posted by: Fran | 07/16/2017 at 08:34 AM