It happens again and again. I get an idea for a book I want to write (I´ll never get the time to write it, but I love the play with the idea), but just as the idea is there, I realize that the book is already written. By somebody else than me.
I was sitting with my knitting the other day, making a mental list of all the unfinished project which are hidden somewhere in our house, playing with an idea of yet another book. A book with knitting tales.
Before going to bed I wanted to chech my Mac, to see if there were any comments on the post I had written that day in Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods, a post about my collection mania, from back in 2013.
And there it was, Synøve´s words, in Norwegian, but here is an English translation:
LOL, you know what - there is a book called "FILE: The Unfinished". Funny that you wrote about this just today - because this book is on my wish list for my birthday, which happens to be today, and I have just unwrapped it.....Guess what it is about? A full book of unfinished knitting projects and the stories which go with them....:) I recommend it.....
"Shit!" I told myself....though I didn´t use that word of course ;-). "My book is already written"
I googled the book, and saw right away that this is not my book at all.
This one is different.
This one is not about my unfinished projects.
This one is not about my knitting tales.
No, this one is not my book at all.
I might never write a book about my unfinished knots of yarn......or, who knows?
What I can do is to start a category Knotted Yarn. And you my dear readers, you can be my helpful readers. And who knows, may be I will end up with enough tales for a book some day :-)
The photos today are of the project I am working with right now. I had one sock and a ball of yarn in a basket. Then I made the other sock over the weekend, and found I had enough yarn for a pair of wrist warmers as well.
Haha, this was written back in November 2013 in Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods. Today, April 2017, I have been knitting an almost identical pair of socks, and found I had enough yarn for a pair of wrist warmers as well :-)
Life is going in circles circular needles.
And I have socks similar to these....and you knitted them! Knitting joins people in so many ways.....books, yarn, projects, dreams!
Posted by: Fran | 04/05/2017 at 09:20 AM
It doean Fran <3
Posted by: BrittArnhild | 04/05/2017 at 08:59 PM