I am up in Tromsø for a couple of days, on a church conference with the Sami people. Tromsø is far north of the arctic circle, and therefore has midnight sun at this time of the year. But not tonight. It is icy cold, it rains, actually some of the rain which falls come like snow, the clouds are low and there will probably be no sun to see at midnight.
And if the sun should happen to be out during the night, my hotel is situated so that it can´t be seen from here. I would have to climb å mountain. And as I had to be up at just after 4am this morning, to catch the plane.......well, when midnight comes, I will be fast asleep.
I did go for a walk after dinner though, and met this charming two wigeons, a male and a female.......
.......and when I came back to the hotel, I did something I have been planning to do for some time. I started a new blog :-) :-) :-) This time with a nature/creation theme,