Advent is for me in many ways time for reading, and what I love most is to find some old classics in my shelves and reread them. It can be Charles Dickens, the Norwegian Levi Henriksen, Narnia, old folk tales, Tolkien, or as I am doing this year - rereading Harry Potter. I bought my first Harry Potter book in 1999. Soon, well, as soon as they were published, I had them all, first in English, then in Norwegian. I read them for myself and I read them aloud for the girls. The boys were too old to be read for by then, though actually you are never too old to be read too, are you.......but that´s another tale. Anyway, I know Harry Potter and his gang in an out. Well, I thought I knew them. Now when I have started to reread Harry Potter and the Philisopher´s Stone, I realize that there are so many detalis, wonderful brics and bracs that I have forgotten. I am looking forward to finish the whole series one more time.
I had some reading time after work today, before starting dinner. After some pages I took a break to check my twitter account, @ArnhildBritt Among Norwegian news, British garden updates and charming photos from YorkshireSheperdess (@AmamdaOwen8) there were updates from a Syrian account I follow: 7 years old Bana from East Aleppo, tweeting together with her mom. The last few hours, the last couple of days have been dramatic for Bana Alabed (@AlabedBana) and her family. Her latest post shows a bombed house, followed by the words - This is our house. My beloved dolls died in the bombing of our house. I am very sad but happy to be alive-Bana. Some hours before that she wrote: We have no home now. I got minor injury, I didn´t sleep since yesterday, I am hungry, I want to live, I don´t want to die. A few days ago Bana wrote about her best friend who died in the bombing.......
Then, as you can see from the photo above, 4 days ago Bana and her brothers were reading Harry Potter.
Me in safe and warm Norway, with the first advent candle lit, some soft Christmas music on. She on a sofa in Aleppo, with her two younger brothers, hours before her friend was killed, their house was bombed.
What is happening to our world?
What is happening to our children?
Thank you Bana and mother Fatemah for tweeting from the war. Thank you for letting us know, for not letting us forget. I am so sorry that too often we close our eyes, light our candles, listen to our music, eat our food.......and forget. Please forgive us. Please forgive me. Keep on reminding us.
And let us together fight the evil, just like Harry Potter did.
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