Sunday we decided to check on the new potatoes. Well, I decided that Terje was to do a check! He was sure it was too early yet. I had a plan though, to make a special dish with mini potatoes.
After a lovely fish meal with one of the deans in the diocese in the early spring, I praised the potatoes (and the fish) so much that the only thing the dean could do was to give me a box of potatoes ready to plant. This special type of potato, called Molt can not be found in the grocery stores.
Proudly I came home to present Terje with the potatoe box, and he knew that the only thing he could do was to prepare the potatoe field.
The potatoes were planted, and every morning, during my garden walk, I have been checking on the growing potato grass. When we came home from vacation a couple of weeks ago the grass had started to bloom, and it was with a hard beating heart I watched Terje dig for the first ones on Sunday.
18 small potatoes under the one plant he dug out! That's something!
I washed them, but did not peel them. The skin is part of the delicatessen when the potatoes are new. Then I boiled them for just a few minutes before frying them in extra virgin olive oil. Before serving the small gold beads were sprinkled in Maldon salt.
While the potatoes boiled I picked the green for a Blue Garden salad and Terje sat up the grill. Sunday dinner in our favorite restaurant, The Blue Café.
I hope to do a weekly potatoe post, here or over at The Blue Café. I already have a long list of recipe sent me by you some time ago, but I am always looking for more.
What is your favorite potato recipe?
Or a favorite potato story? Click on this link and you will be taken to mine.
Click here and you are taken to the post where you gave me your potato recipes.
A Norwegian potato site.
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