text and images britt-arnhild

It is official.
There is no doubt.
I was born a traveler.
I am a traveler.
I will always be a traveler.
This trip to Iceland has been a dream for a long time. Three years ago, when Àgùst was acting in Oliver Twist at the National Theatre over here in Reykjavik, I came to see the play, and then I told Àgùst: "Every time you get a main role like this, I will come over and watch". So when he got one in Macbath, again at the National Theatre, I started to plan my trip. Then I got this bad cold and the sinus problems, and didn´t take the chance to book my tickets untill less than two weeks ago.
Well, now my sinuses are fine much better, and I AM HERE!

I spent the morning walking around in downtown Reykjavik. Nothing spesific in mind. Camera at hand. Cafés everywhere where I could sit down and have a cup, write a couple of postcard, work on my travel diary.
And funny colour combinations everywhere,
to seduce me.

Can you imagine sitting here in the summer, eating sushi, watching tourists and boats, and an ever changing sky?
I will be back in Reykjavik in April.
May be the temeratures will be mild enough for an outdoor sushi then?

Three years ago, when I was here, the Concert Hall, Harpa, was under construction. This time I had my lunch, The Opera Singer´s Lobster Soup here.....

....... and I wrote your postcards :-)
Those of you who commented on the "post card post" and sent me your addresses, will soon have an image from Reykjavik in your mailbox.

Yes, it is official -
traveling makes my blood boil!
Can it be the hot spings?
The first photo: street art in Reykjavik, map of Iceland made by glass.
Three years ago I made a post about street art.
I could make another one any time.
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