Our last day on the beautiful islands of Lofoten has come, and we decided to spend it hiking. The nature here is wild and fantastic, the hiking options a million. After a little talking back and forth we ended up with the several hundred year´s old Fisherman´s Path from Nesland to Nusfjord. "It is not too dramatic" we had heard, "you should make it in a couple of hours.....and then the same way back again"
Terje with a backpack containing water, coffee, bread, eggs asnd raincoats, I with my camera. We were ready for the day and the beauty.
With the ocean to the right and steep mountains to the left, we were just in between, walking, climbing, stopping for photos, breathing beauty all around.
It was steeper and more wild than I had expected, but I´ve done some climbing earlier this summer, and felt fit for fight.
"Are we having a stop again?" I could hear from Terje´s voice that he would have prefered a much faster walk. I am not going to tell him my secret - I stop for photos every time I need to get my breath back......
And believe me, I could breath in my own pace, there was always some beauty to shoot.
To follow the path we had to look for the red Ts, but after a while the hike became more and more difficult.
Still beauty everywhere, but where could I put my feet?
Then, suddenly we came to a dead end. Or more correct, I came to a dead end. Terje could have climbed the boulders, but me knees cried NO loud enough for both me and Terje to hear it. Our goal, Nusfjord, was not for us to reach, we had to turn and hike the same route back again.
Which felt quite okay actually. The beauty was just as beautiful seen from the other side :-)
We had met only a handful of people during our hours out in the wilderness. Among them were three young French people, two boys and a girl. Coming back to our car they were there, and could tell that they had hiked from Nusfjord. Now it was too far to hike back, they wanted to walk up to the road trying to fidn a car which could drive them back.
We knew that "walking up to the road" would take them hours, so we offered to drive them to Nusfjord.
So in the end we ended up in Nusfjord anyway.....
.....we were invited into the fisherman´s cabin they rent, and we became friends :-)
Nice to meet you Thomas, Bruno and Audrey. Safe travels back to France and welcome back to Norway again.
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