Years ago, where we used to live when the kids were small, I had a great herb garden. I had herbs to use all through summer and autumn, and also dried for the rest of the year. I read books about the topic, I tried new knowledge, and I loved it all. Then we moved, I got more busy at my job and in the new garden I had a hard time to find the perfect space for my herbs. Many of them died. I still had herbs to use through the summer, but I stopped drying and freezing. Then last year Terje built me a wooden bed for my herbs, I started to fill it at once, added more herbs this year, and all of a sudden I have a real herb garden again.
The corianders are ready to harvest. I have never had coriander in my garden before, but after two travels in India I have started to like the taste.
At first I didn´t know how to harvest the plants. I cut all the stems and started to peel off the tiny leaves, having no idea what to do with the bullet shaped seeds. The seeds were so beautiful and I started to wonder....may be the seeds could be harvested as well (silly me, I am an apprentice at this, I know) I looked up in one of my old herb books and learned that it was not the leaves but the seeds that should be harvested. I also learned that in India they use the leaves, but the taste can be a bit strong for our western palates. I really can relate to that.
What a pleasure to sit out in the sun, carefully removing the beautiful seeds from the stems. After a while all of me smelled India, and as I worked my way though the plants, I walked down a fragrant memory lane. (the link will take you to all my post about India)
Being a herbal wizard apprentice, I seek new knowledge wherever I can. Though my instagram account @akeleiehagen, I meet fellow garden lovers. One of them is Tove in Lofoten, who runs a herb garden, Aalan Gård.
We visited Aalan Gård during our stay in Lofoten. Unfortunately Tove was not at home then, but afterwards I have learned from her on instagram that fireweed is a perfect tea plant. IIt is especially used in Russia where it is called Ivantjei (or Tzar Ivan´s tea)
It is too late to harves fireweed flowers this year, but next year there will be Ivantjei on my breakfast table............or may be I shall buy some from Aaland Gård. That way I can have the tea already this year :-)
Do you have a herb garden?
Whay kind of herbs do you use?
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