
First of all - I have moved my spesific advent blogging over to Caffe Avec. Today´s post there is about the history of Christmas Cards. You find the blog through this link: Caffe Avec. Through all my years of blogging (it will be 10 in January!), I have done my advent blogging here in The House in the Woods in December. The exception was last year when I decided to post every day one nativity, and also tell a travel tale from the country/city/town/village where I bought it, and did it in Caffe Avec. This year my plan was to take advent blogging back to The House in the Woods and do my regular blogging over in the coffee place. Somehow this didn´t work out, and this morning I found it was time for a change. I hope I don´t make it too difficult for those of you who follow me on a regular basis.

As I wrote in Caffe Avec yesterday, I am home alone this weekend. With no spesific plans set. It felt a little empty in the beginning, I am not used to this. But as I knew would happen, suddenly the hours seem to fly away. On this flight I can feel my creativity find new inspiration and flourishes. And I seem to start one project after another.

Right now I am decorating the kitchen table and one of the kitchen windows. The helleborus, or Christmas Rose as we call it here in Norway, felt a little cold out in the greenhouse. So I´ve moved it indoors and use it as a base of my design. Rustic style. Quite different from the silver and blue which has been there for all the 13 years we´ve lived here.
The table, and the smell of fresh, homemade bread is a perfect setting for sitting down with my journal, a few Christmas cards and stationary for some letters.
And the weekend is still in its prime! Yeah!
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