When you have lived 60+ years, as I have, your life is filled up with routines. Good routines, not so good routines, conscious routines, not so conscious routines....... you know what I mean.
Routines are good, but they can also prevent you from discovering more of the world. The rainbow has seven colours, what if you live day in and day our only registering five of them, or four or six. Or, what if the rainbow has more colours, what if it has 10, 15, may be even 20. But you cannot see them, you are too busy focusing on the seven, or the five, the four, the six.
I love my routines. Love to know that I start my day having a shower, read on the bus downtown, stop at the grocery store on my way home andput my best foot forward knowing that my feet will take me to milk, fruit, spaghetti, orange juice, a nap after dinner, coffee and a snack with Terje while we watch the news. Going to bed at the same time every night, almost. The routine makes my days good, safe, predictable.
Then, one day, almost out of the blue, comes a day when you have to do something different, take a detour, walk the road less traveled. A day without routines.
Then my adventurous self wakes up. My eyes seek what they have not seen before, the wind feels different, wait, isn't there another smell in the air?
Good days. Bad days. Routines. A road less traveled.
It is still me. Always me. And I want to live my life whole, and full. I want to use the talents which where given me by The One who breathes his spirit into me the day I was born.
In my blog world today:
maskerade - my knitting blog, and......drum roll, I am back to writing it in English AND Norwegian :-)
My most recent knitting podcast, knitting a fairytale:
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