There is an aspen just outside our cabin windows. Well, actually there are more than one, but this special aspen is the one I follow through the year. From its black, bare branches in winter, the first leaves, which come late, later than the leaves on most other trees nearby, the whisper of the aspen leaves all through summer and then the let go in autumn.
I love the aspen. Its beauty, its stubbornness, its whispering song in the wind, its let go in autumn.
Last week we got a new UN report on climate changes, where they warn: we have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe.
12 years! In 12 years I will be 72. Our grandson will be 15.
How do we act to this? What do we do? We all have a responsibility to ACT NOW!
I love my aspen. I love nature. And as I wrote in a post a few days ago - you do not destroy what you love.
I am searching for ways to act. I want to be creative. I write a nature journal, the blog Britt Arnhilds naturdagbok (Britt Arnhild´s nature journal) a blog which helps me to see, really see, with eyes, ears, tongue, fingers, feet, heart every single day. Through this nature journal I hope to share this love, hope to help others to see. I also have another blog, dagens lille grønne (daily green ideas) where my mission is to share ideas of a greener way of living
I need all the help I can get in this fight. We need all the help we can get. We need to fight together. We need to love together. For the sake of ourselves, for the sake of our children and our grandchildren. For the sake of all human beings. For the sake of nature. For the sake of Mother Earth.
Our aspen has lost most of its leaves now. I hope, I pray, that new leaves will sprout next spring, and the next after that, and in 12 years, in 20 years, in 50 years.......
Here is what The Guardian writes about it.
In my blogworld today:
Finally, after some hard work this weekend, I am ajour on my cabin blog, Hyttelivet på Rastarbo, one blog post every day we are here
More work and my online journal is also up to date
Fløy en liten blåfugl, my birding journal
Britt Arnhilds naturdagbok, my online nature journal. Here it is difficult to see what is new, I am updating September for the moment :-)
dagens lille grønne, ideas for a green living
Med bøker på menyen, my reading journal
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