We are spending a week at the cabin.
This morning we went down to the farm, where my second cousin and his wife live.
"Do you know my husband has made a small museum in the old barn" his wife said, "do you want to come and see?"
Of course we wanted the make a visit.
The farm has been in my second cousins family just for two generations. When his parents bought the farm "everything" was sold on an auction, still, over the years, my relative has managed to find hidden items from the farm life during the centuries here and there. Up in the attics, hidden corners in the barn and so on.
When I came here as a girl, I remember there used to be pigs in this room.
What a change to see the same rooms today.
My fingers itched to start weaving when I saw these grindvev, heddles.
I actually did some much bigger weaving back in the 1980-ies, and I wove a tapestry similar to this one. The one I made is a kristnateppe, a christening blanket, and the three oldest of our kids were wrapped in it when we took them to church for their baptism.
Have you ever tried making shoes?
Well, I have not :-)
I do knit socks all the time though, does that count, lol
The museum is just a small, private one, but as each item has one, or probably many tales to tell, well, what a treasure.
How I would love to be able to read all the tales.
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