In December 2003I started my Advent "blogging". Well, it was before blogging actually, or rather before I had heard about it. What I did was to write an Advent letter every night, sending it out by email to friends all over the world. Below is my letter from December 8th 2003.

Every night when I write this daily letter, I say to
myself - tomorrow I will have more time and write a
more proper letter. Then every night it becomes late
without any time at all for writing during the day.
And today is just like the other days. It is now
almost 11pm, and these are the first minutes I am
sitting down during the whole day.....almost!
I was up early, and had the quiet house by myself for
an hour before Marta and then Terje joined me. After
breakfast the girls and Terje walked over to Granåsen
ski arena to watch The World Championship in Ski-Jump
and Nordic Combined. We are lucky to live so close,
just 15-20 minutes of walking. I walked over to the
post office, and mailed about 20 Christmas letters and
a few packets. It is so good to have started the
mailing, I always have a loooong list of letters to
write and gifts to wrap and send.
When I came home I started baking. In Norway it is an
old tradition to have at least 7 different homemade
cookies for Christmas, and I made two this morning,
and my husband and Marta made the third tonight. I
made krumkake, and something we call rice and
chocolate cookies (risboller) Oh, what a treat to sit
down when I was finished, with a mug of coffee and a
few mismade cookies.....there are always some which
needs to be eaten at once, which are not perfect
enough for the tinboxes :-)
The sportfans came back, we had lunch and wrote some
more letters, and then went downtown for Christmas
shopping. It is so nice outdoors now, even downtown
the ground was covered in white, virgin snow, and
after yesterday's snowstorm the sun was shining. We
managed to do our whole shopping list, (have more
lists though for later days) and then went to watch
Ingrid play a handball match. Again her team won, and
again we parents were totally exhausted after our
Ingrid brought a couple of friends home after the
match, and we had taco here at home. 8 around the
table....I love it when the table is filled. The first
advent light in the wreath is now burnt down, a new
one will be there for tomorrow.
Tonight I have been helping at Ingrid's school, where
they had the annual Christmas ball for the students.
Alot of fun, alot of the most elegant kids.....and
these are the same kids we see everyday in jeans and
No time for Christmas reading or Christmas crafting
today, but a wonderful, busy day anyway.....and of
course, tomorrow there will be another day.....And
though it is late now I still might manage some
quilting. Marta is in bed, the three oldest are out
with friends (Ingrid is sleeping over with her best
friend) and Terje and I will watch some handball on
the telly before going to bed.
Britt Arnhild
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