Do you know know the story about The Elf on the Shelf? It has become very popular here in Norway, and our two grandsons have had the Elf visiting every morning during Advent for several years.
The grandkids stay over night with us a few times during Advent, and this year I wanted to do my very own version. of "the elf", two mice named Bestemus Josefine and Bestemus Torgrim has moved in to my basement flower studio. Bestemus can be translated to grandmouse, Josefine has got her name from my grandma Ragna Josefine, Torgrim was Terje´s great grandpa.
The tales about these two mice are "under construction" for the moment. I'm really having quite a lot of fun with it. And, being a bit busy today, I promise to tell you more about them later.......