Only a few days left now till the first Sunday of Advent, and I have so much joy preparing for it.
For many weeks now I have been looking back, trying to gather all when I have posted on internet during Advent over the years. It started back in 2003 when I was able to send e-mails to friends all over the world. Every single day fram December 1st till December 25th that year I wrote an Advent e-mail, put the address for all my international friends in the address line and pressed send. All those e-mails are still in my old e-mail outbox. I did the same the next year, then in 2005 I had started blogging and December became a month av daily Advent posts.
Over the years I got more blogs, many of them in Norwegian and eventually I started my YouTube-videos and for years I've made Advent-series there.
When I now try to look back, many ov the blog posts and videos can be difficult to find, and I have given myself the task to gather them, to display them all in one blog. This is one of my Norwegian blogs actually, Britt Arnhilds adventskurv (Advent basket) but as most of my Advent posting over the years have been in English, the old post I am working on gathering there, are in English.
Britt Arnhilds adventskurv will be updated every day during Advent this year (Deo Violent), and I really hope to be able to do daily Advent posts here with you as well.
Hope to see you!
May be we can drink some Advent tea together.