I call them sorgblomster, flowers of grief.
Colourful flowers on a black background.
I still have both my parents alive.
My dad is 91, living in a care home for 2 1/2 years now.
He has dementia and is fighting pneumonia
My mother is 94.
She broke her hip a month ago:
She came home from hospital/extra health care a few days ago.
During last night she had several falls and broke up the hip which is mending.
She is back in hospital.
Life is hard when you are old and have to fight severe health issues.
life is also hard when you are the child of old parents fighting severe health issues.
I work on these flowers reflecting on good memories.
I could have called them flowers of life.
Remembering good memories is part of grief.
Both my parents are still alive.
A blessing.
But I know their hourglasses are running low.
Life is transitory.
Flowers of grief they are!