I am just coming in from a late dinner out in the garden, with a side salad made from what we grow ourselves.
We have been busy renovating part of our garden lately, and now it is done, fin ally. Yesterday we had the first coffee in this corner of the garden, today we had dinner. It was 7pm and the sun was still shining warm and bright. Not many days left now till we have midsummer.
The summer months is a period when we live much of our lives outdoors, which of course gives me less time for indoor hobbies, like reading, writing, crafting and blogging. I could of c course blog (almost) daily from our garden, and may be some of you would prefer that. But all year round crafting is important to me. With arthritis I knit and crochet less, which sends me down and up paths less walked. I paint, I embroider on knitting, I make small stillebens both in my studio.
Then, to my question - will you be interested in blog posts where I share some of this creative "art" I make, do you prefer posts about my garden, or do you want me to continue with different posts from everyday life, like I've done for almost 20 years now?