The first candle is lit. Traditionally the candle holder should be a wreath, but mine is different this year. The meaning of the candles is the same though, we are waiting to celebrate the birth of the Light of the World.
Did you know that the advent wreath tradition came from Germany, almost 200 years ago. A German priest, Johann Hinrich Wichern had opened a home for orphans in the small town where he lived. One late November day, around 1830, when he was about to visit the orphanage, he was wondering how to give hope to the children. The winter was especially cold, the children were freezing, and he decided to make a wreath and put candles in it. The first advent wreath had 28 candles, 24 small ones, 4 big ones, one for each day until Christmas. Every day, when Father Christmas visited the children, he lit one of the candles and talked about The Light.
The first advent video in Britt Arnhild´s World is now up.