A few months ago I did not know where to find the island Fanø. Well, I knew it belonged to Denmark and I knew it was the home of the knit artist Christel Seyfarth. I also knew that the island had lots of old, charming houses. Then, in June, I met Christel at a knitting festival not far from Trondheim. I even interviewed her, for a video I was making for the festival.
You can watch the video here.
After our days in Århus, Terje and I were to head over bro Sjællands Odde, actually just a quite short ferry ride away. But I persuaded Terje that instead of the ferry we could drive "around" and then visiting Fanø would be just a short detour. Well, Terje has worked with roads all his life and he loves to read maps, so I really could not cheat him. But the understood that the "short detour" meant a lot to be, so off we went.
Our first stop on the island, well, second actually, the first one was for coffee and cake :-), was Christel´s yarn store. She knew we were coming, I knew she would be there waiting for us, and since we were early we were almost the only customers, which meant that Christel had time enough to show us around, and to talk knitting.
Before arriving I had decided I wanted to buy yarn and pattern for one of Christel´s lovely shawls. Now the difficult task of choosing came.
Here you see Christel with one of them.
No, it is not the one I bought.
Christel is the founder of Fanø knitting festival, now called Nordby Wooldays Fanø.
Now I have a deram to go back to Fanø for the festival.
I could have spent all day in the shop. But this was only part of our "short detour", we wanted to explore the island before leaving it. I bought my kit and we said goodbye to Christel.
You ask what I bought? Well, here it is:
I have already started, you can follow my progress in my knitting blog "maskerade"