Let's start the day already when it is just a few minutes old young, shall we :-)
Midnight, and nights are filled with light here up north at this time of the year. Well, not quite all night, we do have a few hours with the sun taking a dive in the ocean, but all of a sudden it is back again, the sun I mean.
It is hard to go to bed when the light and the view is like this, but harder to stay awake, I am always tired at night, and sleep hits me the moment my head meets the pillow.
Hours later I've had my beauty sleep, we have had breakfast out in the terrasse, and while Terje is up on the roof, finishing the work there, I am watching the bumble bees, smelling the thyme.
Then I drink a mug of mint tea, I read, I knit and I watch the view.
Soon it is too hot to sit in the sun and I seek shade behind the red currant in the herb garden.
More reading, but then Terje comes down for the roof, "what about a swim in the ocean again?" A perfect idea. We have to drive to find a good place to swim, so I make a thermos of coffee, fill a water bottle and pack some snacks, and off we go.
It is night again. Not quite midnight yet, so I am still awake.
I am working my way through my travel literature and garden literature this summer. Taking photos of each and every one of the books I have, posting them on two of my instagram accounts, using the hashtags #brittarnhildsreiselitteratur and #brittarnhildshagebibliotek
There are so many great books in my shelves, and as I read on along the travel literature path I'm playing with an idea. I have this blog Caffe Avec which I started many years ago while we were vising Krakow in Poland. I fell in love with the cafés and coffee houses there, something you can read about in the very first post over at Caffe Avec, Krakow, Let's get started.
Since then the blog has been used for quite a few different topics. But my idea now is to re-open the blog for posts about past travels, inspired by the travel literature I read, or simply inspired by memories.
What do you think? Will it be of interest to you? Will you go there, will you read it?