It was recording day again the other day. Now, when I am retired, I enjoy the pleasure of making an episode on my YouTube-channel every week. One week in Norwegian. The next week in English.
And I do my best to make the episodes with a lot of great footage, to make both the Norwegian ones and the English ones into something for everyone, no matter which language you speak.
I am usually recording from the living room these days. Poor Terje, he has to stay away.
In this most previous episode I take you along a walk in the garden now in late October. I talk about traditions, which is important to me. And I take you along in the most amazing nature up in the mountains, near the mining town Røros, where Terje´s brother and his wife have a cabin.
It is an old tradition with a week off from schools around the first or second week of October. It used to be called "potetferie" potato break, and my mother remembers when she was a girl she and her classmates were sent out to farms nearby the city, staying there for a week, helping with the potato harvest.
We harvested our potato land a couple of weeks ago, so no need for that this week. Instead we took Leander with us and drove up in the mountains for a few days. Leander is in first grade now, so this is his very first potetferie, or autumn break as we call it nowadays.
We are staying at the cabin of Terje´s brother and his wife, a couple of hours south of Trondheim, close to the old mining city Røros.
Last night we went out with our headlights, which can be quite scary when you are five, soon to be six, and a little afraid of the dark. It turned out to be a very exciting experience though, and we all agree that this is something we will do again tonight. And of course repeating the coming back inside treat with hot chocolate and mashmallows.
Today it is snowing, the first snow of the year, and blowing hard. Not at all the hiking weather we had planned. But we have been out feeding the birds, exploring the area, and now we are waiting for the sun to come back, may be we can have a hike then :-)
The first two photos were taken this morning, when I was out to greet the day. Two photos were taken last night, and the one of Terje with the birdhouse in daylight just before it started to snow.
I am making sure to record filming for you to show in an upcoming episode in Britt Arnhild´s World. Make sure you see this one, from our stay at the Obrestad Lighthouse.
I am so happy to tell you that I have found a rhythm on my videos on YouTube which works very well for me, and hopefully for you as well. As you know I started my YouTube channel in English, then after some time, several years ago, turned the video updates into Norwegian. Then, a couple of years ago, I startet to do them both in Norwegian and in English. It worked for some time, but in the end I had to realise it was too much work for me.
The last few months have been kind of back and forth, partly because of travelling, partly because of a long sleep my computer had, partly because life has been too busy.
But now, finally, it seems like I have found the working way, the path less traveled so to say. One week I will do a Norwegian episode, the next week one in English, then back to a Norwegian one, and so on. I have tried this for a few weeks now, and really like the way it turns out.
This week is the English week, and today I have posted a video I have been waiting to do for several weeks now, with footage from a trip Terje and I had down south to the village where he was born, combining it with an overnight stay in a lighthouse. I dod quite a lot of filming from the lighthouse and the amazing beaches nearby, and this is what I let you enjoy with me in the episode.
There is more in the episode as well, of course, as usual. I talk about several different knitting project and I read from one of Virginia Wollf´s books, not To the Lighthouse, but The Waves.
Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
COPYRIGHT 2005-2024
All texts and photos by Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
About me
About me
I am living in a red house surrounded by a blue garden near Trondheim, Norway. I love everydays and post about my steps through life. Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods is open to everybody. Welcome over!
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