Our cabin is situated two hours by car from our home, out near the western coast of Norway. The landscape here is fantastic, close to the see, close to the mountains, with the cabin in the middle of the woods, which I love. The area is perfect for hiking, something we do a lot.
Today we decided to go to a place where we have never been before, to a mountain peek out on one if the islands. Not very high, 170 meters above sea level, but as the climb was steep, 170 meters were enough for me. I love hiking and during spring, summer and autumn I am out several times a week. Not so during winter. I used to do cross country skiing, but have not had skis on my feet this winter. I am too anxious of falling.......
As spring has slowly started to arrive the past few weeks, I have already started my hiking season, but today was the first climb. Well, very fit athletes would not call this a climb, I do! And I did it. The climb I mean.
Even though it was "only" 170 meters, the view was amazing. I took some footage, which I plan to include in next week's video in Britt Arnhild´s World on YouTube (Britt Arnhilds verden)
We had coffee up there, and then we had to do the steep climb in reverse. Climbing down is always harder than climbing up. Oh my, I had a hard time, but good for me, Terje was there, in front of me, with helping hands when I needed.
By the way, we were lucky and hiked in the sun, but if we turned around, this is what we could see (the above image).
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