Saturday night. The night before Easter Day. The night before victory and new beginnings.
Tonight is the darkest night of all.
In a few hours we can again celebrate.......
.......that He has Risen.
Darkness before new life
Saturday night. The night before Easter Day. The night before victory and new beginnings.
Tonight is the darkest night of all.
In a few hours we can again celebrate.......
.......that He has Risen.
Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
COPYRIGHT 2005-2024
All texts and photos by Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
About me
About me
I am living in a red house surrounded by a blue garden near Trondheim, Norway. I love everydays and post about my steps through life. Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods is open to everybody. Welcome over!