We can't have guests for the moment, not even our own children or grandchildren. We miss them all of course, but luckily we can still meet outdoors. Yesterday we met the two oldest grandchildren out in the woods, cross country skiing, barbecuing sausages and having fun, fun, fun. Icy cold, but my gosh how it warmed a grandmother's heart.
Today Terje and I have been out walking little Vida in her pram for one of her naps. Still cold, but walking fast made us warm nevertheless :-) We walked up to a little lake which is a popular place for ice skating. It is Monday and we were there early, so we were the only people around, but you should have seen the place yesterday.
Can you see what I see? Right out there a hole is made in the ice, a hole for bathing, for swimming. Well, I am Norwegian and I guess I have viking blood running through my veins, but.......swimming in this cold! No way.
Today it was minus 9 degrees Celsius, which should be minus 15.8 °Fahrenheit
By the way, here in Norway we still let babies sleep their naps outdoors during winter, all the way down to minus 14°Fahrenheit.
On our way back to Vidas home, I simply had to stop to photograph this house for you. Can you see, even our houses are freezing during winter :-)