As society here in Norway is slowly opening up, and we are now allowed to meet 20 people together, as long as we wash our hands, stay one meter apart, no handshakes, no hugs, my colleagues decided it was full time to arrange a feast to say thanks to me for my 20 years working for the diocese. I had my first work day there Mai 1st 2000, the last work day May 1st 2020.
We started just after work ended, with a two hours long walk around town to look at old trees and a few gardens. Sure, my old colleagues know me well and knew that this was something I would love.
A glorious day, glorious people, glorious trees. I let myself be filled and walked around with a smile on my face. Like in so many other cities, Trondheim has a huge amount of old and also some new trees. Many of them, well, I guess all of them, have a history, and yesterday afternoon we were told the history of many of them. And their names.
I am often wandering around in the city, looking at houses, birds, flowers, but never have I walked around focusing especially on trees. What an eye opener.
I knew the name of a few of the trees already, I learned a few more yesterday, but I still have a long way to go. And I will start walking that road right away :-)
The walk ended up in a restaurant downtown where we had dinner. My food was sprinkled with so many nice words, I could fly home on blessed wings.
An updated the list of my active blogs:
Akeleiehagen - The Blue Garden (click on the picture)
Fløy en liten blåfugl - my birding journal (click on the picture)
maskerade - my knitting journal (click on the picture)
Britt Arnhilds dagboksblader - my online journal (click on the picture)
Nederst i hagen - my greenhouse diary (click on the picture)
Britt Arnhilds naturdagbok - my nature journal (click on the picture)
Hytteliv på Rastarbo - cabin life (click on the picture)