Norwegians love their cabins. For a month we have not been able to visit our cabins, cottages, summer houses, whatever you call them, in fear of spread of the virus. Monday this week the ban was finally lifted, at least for now, yesterday Terje and I packed our car and drove the two hours out here, to our cabin paradise. It feels so good. We stay here alone, we do not meet other people (except from some essential shopping), but we have each other, we have to birds, the flowers, the trees, the wind, the rain, the sun, the sky.
The first thing we did when we arrived was to check if we had got some new tenants. We had. Two blue tits are busy building a nest and a family in one of the bird houses. I can see right out there from one of the living room windows where I sit, writing this :-)
Then Terje started carpeting, while I explored the garden.
Spring is always several weeks earlier here than it is at home,
and I can't have enough of them.
Hans Christian Anderson has some time said something like....... to live is not enough, what we need is sunlight, freedom and a little flower.......
In this tiny little path of God´s earth I am thinking of all my friends. In Norway and international. I hope and pray that you are all safe.
I am back to blogging today, and will update the list of active blogs as soon as I post in them :-)
Fløy en liten blåfugl - my birding journal (click on the picture)
maskerade - my knitting journal (click on the picture)
Britt Arnhilds dagboksblader - my online journal (click on the picture)
Nederst i hagen - my greenhouse diary (click on the picture)
Britt Arnhilds naturdagbok - my nature journal (click on the picture)
Hytteliv på Rastarbo - cabin life (click on the picture)
My most previous video on YouTube:
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