Last year during Advent I spent a week in London, partly work, partly measure. One day I stumbled across a Charles Dickens exhibition. Pure Joy! The picture above is one of the 6000 first copies printed of A Christmas Carol and a little text box told that this particular copy was sent to Willian Charles Macready as a gift from Dickens himself.
A Christmas Carol is a book I read during Advent every year and have done so for a long time. Dickens wrote it in a London where poverty, especially among children, was a huge challenge. Today 150 years later, one whole think that the world has become a better place. In many ways it has, of course, but still, poverty, also in the western world, especially among children, is a challenge none of us should be allowed to walk past.
Here is a photo I shot at the exhibition:
I will continue to read A Christmas Carol every year in December.
What reading traditions do you have at this time of the year?