Yesterday in Copenhagen. Today I took the metro out to the airport and from there a four hours bus drive to Løgumkloster, far south on the biggest Danish island, Jylland.
I am here for the conference; "Nordic Network Conference on Church and People with Disabilities"
We have a variety of talks, workshops, groups and more, and before dinner tonight we had a service in the beautiful Løgum Monastery Church. The monastery is not an active one today, actually it has not been since the reformation in 1536-1537. Before that cistercienser munks lived here. Today the church is a Lutheran church and the refectories is run as a center for education, connected to the church of Denmark
Just outside my window is a bell tower with 49 bells. It plays at set times during the day, luckily not through the night. I have my window open and love it!
Updates in my blog world:
Britt Arnhilds dagboksblader, my online journal
Britt Arnhilds naturdagxbok, my nature notes