Summer in April is not something we experience every year here where I live. But these days we are having such a lovely weather. The colours in the garden are exploding, there will hopefully be more garden posts here in the days to come, and the birds are super busy.
Terje and I skipped church today (yes, I know we shouldn't.......) and spent all day in the garden instead.
While we had our morning coffee (Jane, you know all about our non-calory coffees.......) a male house sparrow was busy building his nest. It was amazing to watch how fast he worked with his beak.
For many years the house sparrows were the most common song birds here. They they seemed to have left us for several years, but now they are fully back. I love them. Gray and somewhat plain as they might look, they really are among my favourites. And a children's song about a little house sparrow boy is the song I sang most for Leander when he was a baby, and now sing for Milian.