Back to work, back to everyday life, and (back to) thinking of where to take my blog. I write "the blog", though I have more blogs now than I can count. This one was my first, and it is the one I count as my main one. 14 years this January since I started Britt -Arnhild´s House in the Woods. That's a long time. First four m months on blogspot before moving over to Typepad.
I have put myself in the thinking box today.......and for a few days. And as I sit here I think I need your help. I do have some ideas, but still - what to YOU want me to blog about to make it interesting for you to come back. To read what I write, to look at my photos, to want to comment, to come back tomorrow to read and watch again.
I am looking forwards to hear from you.
In my blog world today:
Britt Arnhild´s House in the Woods