This autumn I have been watching all the seasons of Mr Selfridges on Netflix. The fascinating tale of a man and his dream. When coming here I had one thing very high up on my list - to visit Selfridges.
I know that Selfrides has new owners now, have had several since Mr. Selfridges created the work of his life. I also understand that the Netflix series only tell parts of the truth. But still!
Coming there on the Saturday after Black Friday was of course crazy. It felt like the rest of the world was there together with us.
I had no plans to buy anything, I did not buy anything, instead I enjoyed walking around, and I even more enjoyed listening to my friend Fran when she talked about her coming up to London as a child, with her parents and her two sister, so see the Christmas decorations. A visit to Selfridges was always on their list, before finishing the visit to see the lights on the Norwegian Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.
I am knitting in the hotel room in the early mornings and at nights. And I have made another YouTube video, having a hard time with the uploading through the hotel´s wifi. But I made it!
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Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods