Not far from our cabin there is an amazing rhododendron garden. Terje and I have visited several times, and last year I wrote about the visit in my journal blog. The text is in Norwegian, but you can always enjoy the pictures. You find it here.
Magnar Oldervik, the owner of the garden, makes all his plants himself, and to do that he has a rhododendron nursery on a small island, a bit further away.
On our way back home from the cabin we decided to go out to the island to visit the nursery.
A group of garden enthusiasts were there when we came, and Magnar was busy guiding them. So Terje and I just walked around, enjoying the place and the hundreds of plants in different sizes.
Our garden at home is not suited for rhododendrons. We do have a few, but the soil we have is not the right one, so even though I am always tempted, we are not buying any new ones.
But nothing can stop me to enjoy a rhododendron when I see one :-)
And to dream of having my own rhododendron nursery :-)
Or even better, to fill a whole island with rhododendron.