It is Saturday morning, it is March 17th, and this winter seems to be a never ending story. The temperatures are finally predicted to rise a little today though, but the snow is still deep outside and in the green house everything is deeply frozen. I have got a naughty cough, so here I am, indoors, with a fire burning in the fireplace, a huge mug of hot water with lemon and ginger, birds busy out in the feeders, and a knitting which grows and grows and grows.......quite slowly.
I have many unfinished projects waiting, and didn´t actually plan to start this new cardigan sweater now. But then it started to play in my mind all by itself, I drew the first patterns, I bought yarn, I told myself I would just give it a start and then take it with me abroad next week to work on over Easter.......and now I can hardly put it down. The pattern changes all the time, and I want to see the next row only, and then then next, and the next.......you know the feeling, don´t you :-)
I do give myself the luxury of knitting slow though. The intricate pattern means that I can´t knit fast anyway, but I slow it down deliberately as well. Enjoying every stitch, let my fingers be caressed by the yarn, the wool, let my thoughts wander, knitting in a prayer here, purling in a prayer there.
Last night I told Terje: "Now I know what to do in my next career, in my next life! I will be a knitter. A full time hand knitter!"
I have been working on my vlog the last few days, my YouTube video blog, sorting the videos into playlists. So far I have nine videos in the "My knitting" playlist. You find them all here:
My knitting