It has been cold here today. Minus 6 Celsius during lunch break, but I put my winter coat, gloves, scarf and a hat on and went for a walk. As I have a goal to count the different types of birds I see this year, I wanted to go down to the river to see what I found.
An old man was feeding the mallards, and I stopped to watch. What fun to see the ducks eating from his hands. I could feel the inside of me smiling, the kind of smile I love :-)
Mallards, pigeons, a crow, a few seagulls.......
and then I saw it, a bird unknown to me.
A male common goosander (mergander).
Last year I saw a female, this is my first male.
In my blog world today (will be updated):
Fløy en liten blåfugl - my birding journal
Britt-Arnhilds dagboksblader - my online journal
Blåklokkeveien - where 2018 has the theme trees
Britt-Arnhilds samlede - my collections