Several of you, here, on facebook and places like that, asked me if I would ever do an English video. When I started my YouTube channel yesterday, it was too much of a challenge just to figure out everything, from deciding what to say on the short videos I filmed, to move them from my cell phone over to my Mac, to download and start to use iMovies, to put the four videos together and finally remove them over to YouTube. I had Marta with me in Messenger, giving me advice along the road, but I felt pretty proud in the end when the video was finally up on YouTube :-)
Then I sat down, looking at the finished video myself, promoting it here, in my garden blog and on facebook, and then I could start counting the number og viewers. Such fun!!!
Then the first comment came.......will you ever do a video in English?
Oh no! I told myself. To speak English while thinking of all the other things I have to figure out. I can never do that!
I had a long and busy day at work today, with not one single second to think of YouTube. Then finally I was ready to go home. I still had some errands to do downtown, but the minute I opened the door out from the Archbishop´s Palace and could breath som outdoor fresh air, YouTube hit my mind. I realised it was still some daylight left, the days are getting much longer now as we are heading into February soon. I decided the errands can be done tomorrow, I wanted to take the first bus home and use tha last of the daylight to make another video. This time in English.
I did :-) And here is the link:
Britt-Arnhild on YouTube