A few weeks ago Ingrid showed me a picture on her phone og a white and blue toddler sweater. "Mamma, do you think you can make something like this for Leander? I know the web page where we can buy the pattern."
During the 50+ years I´ve been knitting I must have knitted hundreds of sweaters in this style. "No need for a pattern" I told Ingrid, "I can make up my own." We found some very nice, soft pure wool, merinoull by Sandnes Garn, and I was ready to start.
To knit for a little boy aged almost two is so much fun. Fun because knitting this small is so fast, funnier because the little toddler is my very own grandson, and in just a few days I had most of it done, only the last edges left.
Leander is coming tomorrow to visit his bestemor and bestefar, and today I finished the sweater.
The very last tough is a little label which says:
strikket med omtanke av bestemor
knitted with love and care by grandma
This was originally posted in my knitting blog maskerade