When we have visitors from abroad we want to show them the best there is, and as today was my day off, I decided to take Ardi up to Røros, the mining town up in the mountains a couple of hours south of Trondheim. I have friends among the sami people there, and sent Nils Tonny a message, asking if we could stop at his farm on the way.
"Of course you can stop" Nils Tonny replied right away, "Do you have time for lunch? I will make you something good from my reindeer meat." Nils Tonny and his family have thousands of reindeers.
When we arrived at the farm, Nils Tonny was busy tending fences, but he took us in to serve us coffee and dried reindeer meat before we drove out to pick up his 17 years old daughter. She was still out working on the fences.
"I have a surprise for you" Nils Tonny smiled as we drove,
and soon afterwards we passed the border to Sweden.
A new country for Ardi, and many reindeers along the road. Ardi and I were busy with our cameras while Nils Tonny explained about the life of the reindeers, and his daughter, Majja-Krihke translated for Ardi.
Back on the farm, Nils Tonny takes us around to show us how they prepare the reindeer meat by drying and smoking it. While talking he picks wild greens around the house, for the dinner.
Some time later dinner is ready, reindeer sausages, root vegetables and the wild greens.
Majja-Krihke, the daughter, shows us some traditional sami arts and crafts made by her and her mother.
What a day!
We forgot everything about Røros, but found time to drive through it on our way back to Trondheim.