We had planned a day sunbathing near the pool, but the sun did not play on our team, so instead we drove east. Lunch in a small fishing village just like we love to do it, and then a hike along the lava fields in Malpais de Güimar.
Malpais is a nature reserve, and we had some challenges to find where to park the car and start walking. No signs were set up, so we drove around a little, but Terje was determined to hike and never gave up. Happy and thankful was I for that when we walked along the sea with its huge swells coming in.
I would gladly change this with all the fireworks in the world.
The land was mostly barren, but here and there you found a sparkling green plant. It must thrive on salt water, as I know some plants do.
Until a few decades ago these small bassins were used to fill saltwater in. After a few days the sun would evaporate the water, leaving the salt which was used for cooking and preserving the food.
There is a volcano crater in the reserve, Montana Grande. We would like to hike it, but did not have time enough, so it is put on our list for a later visit.