
We had not made any spesific plans for the next day, only that we would drive north and some time, probably late, we would arrive at the cabin. Looking at the map I realised that one of our choices to drive would take us right through the village where grandma Ragna Josefine was born in 1899. Long storly told short - we made some phone calls and ended up getting an invitation/inviting ourselves to visit the farm.

Grandma Ragna was born on the farm Slagstad, in Sandane on the Western coast of Norway. A farm where the main income came from growing apples. She grew up with two sisters and three brothers. Jon, or uncle Joel as my father says, grandma´s brother closest to her in age, took over the farm when he grew up, and today Jon´s son, Mattis lives there with his wife Vivi.

Mattis is my father´s first cousin, and it was easy to see the family likeness between them. I visited Slagstad when I was a girl, about 50 years ago, and I saw Mattis watching me, just as I was watching him. Both of us looking for ourselves in the other.
Vivi told me that she and Mattis came to Trondheim the weekend I was baptised. Mattis was active with sport gymnastics and they came for a competition. They stayed with my grandparents and when my perants heard they had come, they were invited to my baptism party.
58 years ago.

Here I am on that day, July 6th 1958, with grandma Ragna Josefine and grandpa Johannes.

Grandma Ragna must have been sitting here many a time. I wish I could read her thoughts from then.
As she grew up in the countryside a hundred years ago, education was actually no topic. But Ragna loved to study and when she grew up she left home, studying to become a teacher.

At the seminary she met my grandpa, Johannes Wigum. He also the son of farmers from a small farm at Aure, where we have our cabin.

Ragna and Johannes married and moved to Frey, where they raised their family of five girls and two boys, the oldest boy my father.
Three years ago I visited their house at Frey, together with my parents, and I wrote two blog posts about it. You find the posts here and here.

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