This morning Terje and I drove down to the harbour and The Coastal Line to pick up Diana and John from Manchester. They are on a cruise along the coast of Northern Norway and had three hours in Trondheim. We drove them around the city, up to the Granåsen ski jump arena, home to The House in the Woods for coffee and some typical Norwegian snacks. Back downtown for the cathedral, the Old City Bridge and the bicycle lift Trampe and at last Our Lady´s Church, before driving them back to the ship, hugs, waving goodbye and "hope to see you again".......
A few weeks ago I had no idea that Diana and John excisted. A week ago I met John in London and spent a very interesting hour with him. Today the four of us met, me, Terje, Diana and John, and a friendship started to grow.
The tale behind the meeting I had with John in London is too long to tell here, but hopefully it might lead to something very interesting in the future, and then I promise I will tell you about it ;-)
So why this blog post, you might ask.......
Good question, and I have a good answer.
Think of all the nice things, blessings, meetings, new friendships awaiting you in the future. As I said, a few weeks ago I had no idea that there was a man and his wife in Manchester planning a tour to Norway. And here we are now :-)
Who knows what tomorrow will bring you? And the day after, next week, next month?
I think I am in love with life.