I have a golden heart for sleeping. From the moment I put the book I am reading on the bedside table and turn off the light, I am dead for this world. All the way till next morning, with one or two visits to the loo in between. Well, at least I like to think that most nights are like this. The other night was sleepless though. I had fever, I had body pains and my sinuses troubled me. "No problem. I can listen to the birds" I told myself. The bird songs around the cabin is better than being in any concert hall around the world. I had the window open, my sinuses force me to do that every night, and suddenly there was a mosquito in the room. Now I have one question to you. "Why does every mosquito have to go for my ear first thing?"
I couldn´t stand the noise, put sleep well in my ears. And than of course I could not hear the birds singing.
I still could imagine the songs though. And when I closed my eyes I saw the night view from our cabin terrasse.