
Last day of vacation, tomorrow it is back to work.
We decided to make it a Trondheim day, starting with service in the cathedral.
There we met my parents, by chance,
and also a lot of other friends.

Just down the road from the cathedral is the museum of arts and crafts, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum. This summer they have a most amazing exhibition on display, Paper Dialogues, with the paper cut artists Karen Bit Vejle, Danish but living here in Trondheim, and Xiaoguang Qiao from China.
You have already met Karen BIt Vejle here at Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods several times, here is one post.

Here is what the catalogue says:
Two artists from difeferent parts of the world have come together to create a common artistic platform. Their collaboration is based on the similarities that tie them together but they explore just as much the difference between them. What´s there and what is not.

An amazing exhibition.
I want to go back before it closes in a few weeks.
Trondheim, a small city which can be in deep sleep during weekends, has changed this summer. Even though it rained today, as it has done all summer almost, the city was filled with people, some of it due to a huge cruise ship visiting.
We were getting hungry, but before stopping for food we visited the new Sunday brocante

Yes, you read correctly.
Trondheim has got a weekly outdoor Sunday brocante.
Down by the river.
We didn´t buy anything this time, but who knows what will happen if we go back :-)

The biggest change though, for me, is the Food Hall, Mathall Trondheim.
Still quite small, but a good variety of local food.
We had planned to eat lunch there,
but unfortunately on Sunday they don´t start serving lunch/dinner untill 3pm. We came there an hour too early, were too hungry to wait, had coffee and lefte and bought meat and vegetables which we brought home for our grill.

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