A pilgrimage is said to have three steps.
The breakup, the road, the goal.
The pilgrimage priest, a deacon and I invited to a pilgrimage.
We walked out with the Santa Birgitta prayer - God, show me the way and make me willing to walk it!
Along the road we had several stops.
here the deacon show us a sign on a house wall which tells about "aunt Kikki" who came here in 19191 and spent all her life working with children in this poor area of Trondheim.
At Svartla´mon, the poorest working class area, the inhabitants had a terrible hard time during WWII. But then Russian war prisoners passed by every day on their way to work on a submarin bunker, they managed to sneak food to them under the fence. As a thank for this, some prisoners made gifts for the locals.
We talked about giving and receiving, and gave each other something hot to drink.
As we continued we could walk in silence or we talked two and two.
We were encouraged to notice the beauty of God´s creation.
It is amazing what we see when we open our eyes, really open them.
As we looked for the special sign which marks the pilgrim ways in Norway, we heard the story of the two men walking to Emmaus, talking about the death of Jesus and the women who came to the empty grave only to be met by angels telling them that Jesus was alive.
Crazy women!
Back in the church, in front of the altar, we met the Emmaus walkers again, now eating with Jesus.
We lit candles, one each, said silent prayers and reflected on how a pilgrimage not only take us to the goal, but how reaching the goal, meeting Jesus, change our lives. Make us continue doing the good deeds.
Everybody should have a special project in their lives. Mine is to find out how we can make pilgrimages more filled with diaconia. Not just breakup - road - goal.........but a continuation, a change of attitude. This pilgrimage from yesterday, when we walked with a small group of people who has lived in Norway only for a short time, and come to a café in this church once a week to practice Norwegian, is part of this special project I am working on.
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