The Brooklyn Film Festival has finished its list of award winners. On the "Certificates of Outstanding Achievement, Actor Male" you find an Icelandic Name: Àgùst Örn Børgesson Wigum.
Àgùst Örn is my nephew, the son of my brother Børge.
Àgùst Örn is the boy who makes me travel to Iceland again and again to watch him play at the Icelandic National Theatre (or other places)
Ágùst Örn is the reason I created a fan club.
Àgúst Örn - fan club :-)
Here is a repost from January 2013 when I travelled to Iceland to watch Ágùst Örn play in Macbeth
Lately I have been reading Macbeth several times, so I was well prepared when I arrived at The National Theatre of Iceland last night. I could not understand many words of the play, but I knew the plot. Still it was quite hard to follow last night´s story, where Àgùst played Macduff´s brave son.
Understanding or no understanding.
It didn´t matter much. My goal of coming here was to watch my nephew.
And I did. Oh yes, I did.
After the play Àgùst had promised to take me backstage.
Not at all an easy task, as everything on the scene was covered in blood.
Oh my! What a macabre play Macbeth is!
Àgùst had so much to show me,
and apparently he had told the other actors that he had a visitor
"Oh, you must be the aunt from Norway"
Yes, I am the aunt from Norway.
The very proud aunt from Norway.
I am not Àgùst´s only fan though.
Embla, I think it is time the two of us start a fan club :-)
"Look tante BrittArnhild. Here is the blood we use when we are killed"
Thank you Àgùst, Embla and Stina for a wonderful night.
I will be back for Àgúst´s next play!
By the way, because of Àgùst´s long hair, some people believe he is a girl.
Take a look here to see his answer to that three years ago (Ardi, I am sure you remember it)